Friday, October 28, 2011

5 Days Off!!...I Wish :(

An amazing perk of my job is that I get five days off every other week. Although I do not get this without having to cram most of a normal working week into the three days I do work.

Sadly I will not really be having the days off I was hoping for because (a week after the accident) I am back in hospital because I can not move my thumb or my little finger.

I came here at 9:30 this morning and at 16:10 I was in the emergency surgery room under local anaesthetic while the surgeon tried to reattach the three ruptured tendons that were sliced by the broken glass in Luxy's nightclub.

The first picture is one of me before the surgery, worrying about what they were about to do to my arm. I ended up with a bigger cut, a semi-attached little-finger tendon, a 160 pound bill, 15 stitches and the news that tomorrow I will be under general anaesthetic while they try to find the tendons that shot up into my arm when they were cut at Luxy's.

The second picture is one of me now on the evening preparing to sleep. The nurse is coming to collect a blood sample before I sleep. Will post more news/pics when I have them.

I honestly did not expect to be posting such interesting news on my blog so lap it up while you can! :)

Will send you an update tomorrow if I'm not too stoned from the anaesthetic! Goodnight all!