Me and Scully have both been very busy as of late. Scully has found herself a good, full-time job working as an education consultant at an English school and is on a steep learning curve to get up to speed with her colleagues and be productive in her role. Almost every night after work she is still working hard learning about the Universities in the UK, Australia and New Zealand. I can already see she is going to do very well and I'm proud. How she is learning so much in such a short space of time is beyond me!
I have been busy working as usual. The schedule is a strange one which makes it difficult to get into a regular routine, although it is nice when we have good breaks between the camps we do. Compared to the other jobs available in Taipei, I doubt I could find anything as flexible as this one so I feel quite privileged.
The scar on my arm is much better these days, but I am still unable to move the top two joints of my thumb, however I am going to therapy regularly to try and solve this. The doctor gives me acupuncture, usually in my left leg, arm and in my neck to try and improve the circulation of blood that is necessary to ensure a faster recovery. I am very skeptical about acupuncture but I am willing to keep going and hope for a solution in the near future. The acupuncture is accompanied by quite a rough massage of my arm which leaves it bruised but again will help to improve circulation. Here are a few pictures of the therapy I'm doing:
We have both moved into Scully's parent's apartment now after having it refurbished. It is an ideal place for us to stay while we are saving up our money to get a place of our own. Here are a few pics:
This is the living room, which goes into the dining room and then the kitchen. There used to be a wall at the end of the table until we knocked it down to make it open plan and more spacious.
This is the living room looking from the edge of the dining room. The sliding doors go out to a small garden-style area where we put shoes and plants.
This is the living room from the TV. Just wanted to show the picture of London to you. Britain is always in our thoughts! lol
This is the room where we put the piano and might put a spare bed in there in case we ever have guests.
This is a quiet room for reading or listening to music.
This is mine and Scully's room.
This is our bedroom's bathroom.
This is the main bathroom.
This is a view of the dining room and the kitchen.
This is a bit of wall art on the wall you can't see in the dining room. Another reminder of Britain! It's a sticker though, I didn't paint it!
Back to work again tomorrow, boo hoo!! Take care everyone and speak to you soon!!
Dave x